Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shots of T

So yesterday I had an appointment with a nurse and I learned how to do self injections of Testosterone.  Being that I had never once given myself an injection, and knowing that in the past all of my intramuscular injections that I have received were slightly painful I psyched myself up.  The nurse took me through all of the steps:

  • Get Materials
    • Testosterone bottle
    • Sterile syringe and 2 sterile needles
    • Alcohol wipes or cotton swabs with alcohol on them
    • Hard plastic container (to dispose of the syringe and needles
  • Wash your hands
  • Fill syringe
    • Clean the rubber stopper of the vial with an alcohol wipe and allow to dry
    • Unwrap syringe and screw on needle
    • Pull the plunger up to have the same amount of air as you will need medication
    • Take off needle cover
    • Insert the needle into the rubber stopper while the vial is upright
    • Push plunger down to release the air into the vial (do not put air in the medication because it will cause bubbles)
    • Turn the vial upside down and pull back on the plunger a tiny bit further than the prescribed amount
      • Make sure that the tip of the needle is in the medication rather than in the air of the vial
    • Look for air bubble, if there are any flick the syringe with your fingernail or a pen
    • Adjust the plunger to the right dosage level
    • Turn the vial upright and remove the needle by pulling the syringe straight up
    • Replace needle cover
    • Pull back on plunger to allow for some air to enter
    • Screw off needle and replace with a new sterile needle
      • The needle will be dull going through the rubber stopper so it is easier if you replace it with a new needle
    • Push plunger up slowly and release any air
  • Cleaning the injection sight
    • Find a spot on the outside of your thigh and wipe it down with an alcohol swab
    • Allow for the alcohol to dry
  • Intramuscular Injection
    • Remove the needle cover
    • Hold needle an inch or so above the leg
    • Take deep breathes (don't hyperventilate) and while breathing out dart the needle through the skin into the muscle
    • With your non dominant hand hold on to the syringe, and with the dominant hand pull back on the plunger slightly
      • If blood flows back into the syringe you must start over with new medication, syringe and needles
    • If no blood appears slowly push down on the plunger to inject the medication
    • After the syringe is empty hold it there for 10 seconds
    • Remove needle and put an alcohol swab over the injection sight, put pressure on sight and if necessary place a band aid over it
  • Clean up
    • Put all used syringes, needles and empty drug containers into a resealable hard plastic container
      • I am using an old detergent bottle
She taught me these steps and ended up saying I was one of the easiest people to teach, and the best part was that because I was doing the injecting and all that I could go at my own speed so it didn't hurt at all!  More to come soon!

P.S. Please do not just inject yourself without a doctor knowing and a nurse actually teaching you how to do it.  This is just in case people were wondering how to do it and so that I could give myself little reminders.

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