Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Almost 10 months on T

It has been awhile since I have done an update but the changes have been a lot more slow coming.  I am really noticing a bigger difference in the muscle structure of my arms.  My voice is still dropping (something I will NEVER complain, unfortunately for a vast majority of the population I still sound like a female on the phone or over a drive thru intercom.  One awesome thing that happened a few days ago was I went through the KFC drive through and one of the things in my order the guy didn't quite get so he said "And what was that last part sir?"  I was ecstatic!  And less of my fat is residing in my hips and butt.  Short but to the point.

Name Change Process

August 5th I went to court and filed for my official name change.  Being that it was something that I had never done before there were a few questions that I should have asked:

  • How long will the process take?
  • Will I need multiple copies of the name change certificate?
Well I can tell you by this point it is August 20th...I have been waiting for over 2 weeks to receive the certificate in the mail.  I didn't think it would take nearly this long...but silly me I suppose I had too much faith in our judicial system/government.  

However I know the next steps I will need to take once I receive the certificate.  My next stop will be the social security office.  When there I will need to have the certificate as well as my birth certificate and license (or some other form of photo identification).  Once I receive my SS card in the mail after all the information has been changed I can then go to the RMV.  There I will need my SS card, and my license (which will most likely have to be least i had to do that when I got my gender marker changed).  Both places I will also have to fill out other paper work.

At least the longest (Knock on wood) and most expensive part of it is over.  Here's hoping I'll get the certificate soon!