Monday, December 10, 2012

Sex and Sex Drive

*Warning this section is going to be talking about sex and/or sex drive...if you do not wish to read it skip to the next section and if you don't care read on brave soldier!*

So I have now been on Testosterone for almost a month and a half and I must admit there is an increase in my sex drive.  Let me explain; when I was younger, and hell even over the summer, I was a prude.  I didn't want to talk about sex, I didn't want to think about sex and at least to the best of my knowledge I never had a wet dream so to speak.  I was much more consumed with all the romance and being the perfect don't need sex to survive.  Don't get me wrong I am still concerned with all the romance, but I am certainly no longer a prude.  I will admit that sex is on the mind at least 10 times as often as it used to be (if not more).  I always used to say if someone I thought was attractive and they asked me to do it I would have said maybe after I buy you dinner, and we go on some dates, and then maybe I will serenade you...after all that sex might be an option.  Not that I would necessarily act on it, but all the romance can come after.  I'm not going to get in to all the nitty gritty details, but I figured I would at least give a little overview!

That's all for now!


  1. Excellent, then my colorful vocabulary and constant sexual innuendos wont make you blush and get all sorts of awkward anymore!
    Me gustaaa.
