Thursday, September 27, 2012

Coming Out as Transgender

Coming out, this is the section of my story that I hope becomes more and more common for everyone that the world sees as different.

First I came out to my mom, I had sort of been eluding to it for awhile.  I had already bought a compression vest and I was only wearing boxers or boxer briefs.  She wasn't really surprised.  Then it was a friend followed by my dad and my sister.  My sister's biggest concern was me not being able to have a kid, but I am just fine with adopting thank you!  Then it was a few more friends followed by my maternal grandparents.  All reactions had been positive and very accepting, but then it came time to tell my paternal grandparents.  I was not really sure how it was going to go, mostly because when my dad was younger he had an uncle that his father put into a mental hospital because he had came out as gay.  So when we got to their house I was almost certain that once they had been informed of my life choice my grandfather would say something like, "Get the hell out of my house!"  Somehow it was the complete opposite.  I mean at first my grandfather didn't get it, he thought I was coming out as a lesbian but then once it was explained a bit more clearly he and my grandmother both said I have their full support.  After I told them I had one other friend that I wanted to personally inform.  Then there was nothing left to do in my mind other than just get it out there so I put a status up on facebook that said:

Hey everyone...some of you have known me for a long time and some of you not so much. I have come out as Transgender and I am beginning the process to become a man. My name on facebook and in life is going to be changed to Damien Dakotah LaCount (so for those of you who know me as can still call me that too). If you have any questions ask me here or in a message. If you don't agree with it then I hope you have a wonderful life...I know I will.

It was by far the most commented on and liked status that I had ever put up.  I was flooded with love and support, people even told me I was an inspiration and so brave (don't worry I'll touch on that later)!  I was so fearful about the status and at the same time I knew I didn't want to hide it anymore.  I was sent this quote by a wonderful friend:“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”--      Anais Nin

All you ever really hear about are the horror coming out stories, but there are people out there who will love you because of who you are not because of what you do or don't have in your pants.  And then there are sadly those people who are not as accepting, but when that time comes you can lean on those around you who do love you.  And there will always be someone willing to give you a hand...if you ever need a listening ear I'll be here!

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