So it has been awhile. I haven't really had much to report on or I just have not had the time to write. So here is the update.
April 24th was 6 months on T! My voice still continues to get lower which is a good thing. There is more hair growing on the underside of my thighs. I shaved my mustache on April 19th and it is just starting to show again now. I am starting to get hair on my cheeks but it is SUPER light and VERY short. I got a haircut (my dad said I looked like a marine) but it seems to be helping. The past week or so I have gotten a lot more Sirs then Ma'ams...
On another note I am sad because my endocrinologist (the doctor that prescribes my testosterone) is moving to California because her husband got a job. But we will soon be figuring out whether I will just be getting a new Endocrinologist at Harvard Vanguard or if I will be getting referred to Fenway Health. It sort of depends on my cholesterol levels. I have always had high cholesterol, but I had really high good cholesterol so it was never really an issue. Because I am now taking testosterone that could greatly change. I am going to get blood work done in a week or so and we will go on from there. Since I have lost some more weight and have been trying to be a bit more health conscious it won't be a's hoping anyway.
Now I have lost a total of 45 pounds from when I was my heaviest!
That's all for now.